Justice chief: Transfer of Hong Kong nat. security cases to China would be ‘exceptional,’ ultimately Beijing’s decision
Hong Kong Free Press
![Secretary for Justice Paul Lam meets the press at the Rule of Law for the Future, the finale of Hong Kong Legal Week 2023 on November 10, 2023. Photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP.](https://i0.wp.com/hongkongfp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/nov-20-feat-1-1024x576.jpg?resize=640%2C360&ssl=1)
The prospect of transferring local national security cases to mainland China would be “exceptional,” and ultimately a decision made by Beijing, Hong Kong’s justice chief has said. It comes after a pro-Beijing scholar said the use of US sanctions against judicial figures could prompt a situation where suspects are extradited to the mainland for trial.
![Secretary for Justice Paul Lam meets the press at the Rule of Law for the Future, the finale of Hong Kong Legal Week 2023 on November 10, 2023. Photo: Kyle Lam/HKFP.](https://i0.wp.com/hongkongfp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Kyle_HKFP_320231110-13-Copy-1050x700.jpg?resize=640%2C427&ssl=1)
Justice Secretary Paul Lam on Sunday declined to comment as to whether the national security case against media tycoon Jimmy Lai would be transferred to mainland courts for trial, saying it was a “hypothetical question.” But the power to decide on such transfers would fundamentally lie with the central government, as stipulated in the national security law, he told TVB in Cantonese.
Earlier, prominent pro-Beijing scholar Lau Siu-kai, and veteran politician Tam Yiu-chung, said a new round of US sanctions could prompt Beijing to use Article 55 of the national security law, which would allow for such transfers.
Article 40 and 55 of the national security law – click to view.
Article 40: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall have jurisdiction over cases concerning offences under this Law, except under the circumstances specified in Article 55 of this Law.
Article 55: The Office for Safeguarding National Security of the Central People’s Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall, upon approval by the Central People’s Government of a request made by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or by the Office itself, exercise jurisdiction over a case concerning offence endangering national security under this Law, if:
(1) the case is complex due to the involvement of a foreign country or external elements, thus making it difficult for the Region to exercise jurisdiction over the case;
(2) a serious situation occurs where the Government of the Region is unable to effectively enforce this Law; or
(3) a major and imminent threat to national security has occurred.
Lau and Tam’s remarks came as US lawmakers proposed a bipartisan bill to impose sanctions on 49 Hong Kong judges, prosecutors, and government officials to hold them “accountable for human rights violations.” Lau said Article 55 was “a last resort,” which states that foreign interference could amount to situation where Hong Kong would not be able to exercise independent jurisdiction over national security cases.
![Lau Siu-kai](https://i0.wp.com/hongkongfp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/4ddb6acd06dde.jpg?resize=640%2C438&ssl=1)
“But the Article 55, first and foremost, is an exceptional clause,” Lam said in Cantonese. “Article 40 states that offences under the security law would be handled in Hong Kong’s jurisdiction unless under the circumstances specified in Article 55.”
Lam said the procedure for invoking Article 55 is “deliberate,” which involves the Hong Kong government or the Hong Kong Office for Safeguarding National Security filing a request to Beijing. “But ultimately, it’s a central government’s decision,” he added.
Chinese legal procedures
Lam also said that, even under the circumstances of a mainland transfer, it would not constitute “unfairness” to the accused as only the legal procedure would change.
“The offences are still the four offences under the security law… It would not be the case where, if the Chinese government takes over jurisdiction, then the charge will change, or the punishment will escalate.”
Lam said that, under the circumstances of a mainland transfer, the prosecution and the trial would be handled by Chinese authorities, following Chinese legal procedures: “The change will be procedural, and not legal.”
During Hong Kong’s anti-China extradition protests and unrest in 2019, 70 international rights NGOs said in a joint letter that China’s justice system has a record of serious violations of fair trial rights. There is also evidence of torture and other ill-treatment, enforced disappearances and cases of incommunicado detention without trial. NGO Safeguard Defenders has said that China had a 99.975 per cent conviction rate in 2022.
![China flag patriotism National Day 2023](https://i0.wp.com/hongkongfp.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Kyle_HKFP_20231001-03-Copy-1050x700.jpg?resize=640%2C427&ssl=1)
When asked about whether Hong Kong lawyers could represent the accused in mainland, Lam said he had not considered this issue, adding that those cases would be represented by eligible lawyers in China.
Last week, Lam said he was “100 per cent confident” that Hong Kong could handle upcoming national security cases.
Beijing inserted national security legislation directly into Hong Kong’s mini-constitution in June 2020 following a year of pro-democracy protests and unrest. It criminalised subversion, secession, collusion with foreign forces and terrorist acts – broadly defined to include disruption to transport and other infrastructure. The move gave police sweeping new powers, led to hundreds of convictions amid new legal precedents, whilst dozens of civil society groups disappeared. The authorities say it restored stability and peace to the city, rejecting criticism from trade partners, the UN and NGOs, despite an overall rise in crime.
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假設性問題 – 唔會揣測 – 就算有咩事發生都有足夠方法
涉及國家層面定香港層面? 百寶袋係唔會咁易披露既
面對制裁 – 律政司, 親自傾過, 大家態度一致處之泰然 – 大家做好自己工作 – 法官方面沒接觸, 但沒收到信息或資料有影響
黎智英案, NSL 55 交內地, 冇影響咁仲係唔係 55 條呢? – 假設性答唔到, 但55條有幾個重點, 首先係例外條款, 應該睇咗40條先, 好貫徹成個國安法尊重一國兩制, 40條講明觸及國安法犯罪行為, 我地喺香港行使管轄權, 除非有55條既情況, 所以呢個係一個例外條款, 例外情況即係例外, 三個情況, 例如國家面對重大威脅, 特區執行唔到國安法, 程序上都好嚴謹, 唔係是是旦旦, 首先由特區政府, 或者國安公署有個請求, 但最終係中央決定, 個話語權係中央手裡, 55條貫徹咗, 管轄權是比咗香港, 但歸根究底, 國安係中央既事情, 最根本, 有需要時, 都係中央做決定
55係唔係跟內地做法? – 要睇埋56 57 58, 如果55出現咗, 56條話會由國安公署做偵查, 檢控就由最高人民檢察院做, 審判由最高人民法院指定法院去做, 相關程序由內地機關去做, 所以57條講, 到時就唔係行香港刑事程序或法律, 係用內地刑事訴訟法
但香港係普通法, 會否不公? – 但都係國安法, 都係嗰4條罪, 唔會因為內地行使管轄權, 所以罪名變咗, 要素變咗, 唔會刑罰由最低變咗最高, 唔會去咗內地之後, 法律內容有改變, 所以唔同既係程序上, 而唔係法律本身, 因為國安法得一部, 只係好例外情況下, 原則上內地可行使管轄權, 用內地既刑事訴訟程序
有幾多香港律師可以打? – 咁例外, 內地人民法院審理, 邊啲人有資格做法律代表, 一定用內地規則, … 邊啲人可以喺內地做法律代表, 咪係嗰啲人
是否你樂見? – 成個設計原意都係尊重一國兩制, 一般情況都係由香港行使管轄權, 成個設計原意都係咁, 呢個都係我希望落實到既事情
國安法係全國性法律, 有凌駕性, 23條係本地自行立法既本港法律, 大原則係23條要符合國安法原則, 國安法亦都唔係香港可以修改既法律, 只有國家層面最高權力機關先至有權做