• 09/21/2024

Ukrainian MP cooperates with Russian-linked church priest suspected of high treason – photo

Pravda Ukraine

Bihus.Info journalists have found evidence of cooperation between non-factional MP Artem Dmytruk and Serhis Chertylin, a suspect in five crimes against Ukraine.

Source: Bihus.Info

Details: In particular, the journalists cite a screenshot of the correspondence in which the suspect Chertylin reports back after a meeting with Dmytruk. The latter, he said, is ready for full cooperation and thanks for the legal analysis of Law 8371 (on the activities of religious organisations – UP), which he managed to convince some MPs about.


Screenshot: Bihus.Info

Dmytruk, in a conversation with a journalist, confirmed that he had met with the priest to discuss the “protection” of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) in Ukraine.

Quote from Dmytruk: “Of course we met, and of course we talked. Did we talk about the pressure on the UOC-MP? Of course, we did. Did we formulate the relevant amendments? Well, let’s just say we did not formulate them, but we discussed them. But every day we can see how representatives of the OCU (Orthodox Church of Ukraine) take away churches, beat priests, beat parishioners and commit other illegal actions against citizens.

I, Artem Dmytruk, defend the rights of all Ukrainian citizens, regardless of their religious beliefs, skin colour or other views.”

Details: In another chat from the screenshot, the aforementioned suspect in high treason, Chertylin, mentions the family name Kultenko. He is allegedly being given amendments to the law on the Moscow-linked church in Ukraine.

The journalists assume that this is Artem Kultenko, a seminarian at the Kyiv Theological Academy of the Moscow Patriarchate and a member of parliament from the Servant of the People (Sluha Narodu) party.


Primate of the UOC-MP Onufrii and Artem Kultenko
Screenshot: Bihus.Info

Dmytruk and Kultenko did not vote in favour of the ban on the Russian-linked church in the first reading. In addition, they both publicly support the Russian Patriarchate in Ukraine.

For reference: Dmytruk is known for several scandals. He was one of the three “anti-vaccinationists” called by Davyd Arakhamia, the head of the Servant of People faction. Dmytruk was expelled from the Servant of the People faction in November 2021.

In February 2024, Dmytruk made a bail for Pavlo Muzychuk, a monk of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra and hierodeacon of the UOC-MP, who was detained by the Security Service of Ukraine on suspicion of justifying and recognising the legitimacy of Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine.

On 12 April, Ukrainian law enforcement services identified and neutralised a criminal organisation known as the media bloc of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, which worked to incite religious hatred. Ukrainska Pravda reported that it was about Chertylin.

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