• 09/20/2024

Arab women want male guardianship

Jerusalem Post Britain has called for the abolition of the Saudi system of male guardianship for women, but have the women themselves been asked what they want? https://www.jpost.com/experts/arab-women-want-male-guardianship-331764

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Simon Wiesenthal Center asks EU to focus on ISIS, not Israel

Jerusalem Post The letter, sent by The Simon Wiesenthal Center, asks the EU to stop focusing on Israel and instead focus on ISIS jihadists. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/isis-threat/letter-asks-eu-to-focus-on-isis-volunteers-returning-to-europe-633799

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Afghanistan arrests regional ISIS leader

Jerusalem Post The ongoing violence underscored the challenges to securing lasting peace in Afghanistan even after the United States signed a troop withdrawal agreement with the militant Taliban in February. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/isis-threat/afghanistan-arrests-regional-isis-leader-627647

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ISIS is on track to double its attacks in Iraq and Syria

Jerusalem Post With US-Iran tensions rising and the US-led Coalition withdrawing from around six military posts in Iraq, ISIS appears to be on the offensive. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/isis-threat/isis-is-on-track-to-double-its-attacks-in-iraq-and-syria-626617

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ISIS and coronavirus: Will terrorists exploit COVID-19?

Jerusalem Post BEHIND THE LINES: ‘Ghost caliphate’ stirs in Syria and Iraq. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/behind-the-lines-isis-and-the-virus-624913

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Round-up of city affairs

Jerusalem Post The newest information on Jerusalem affairs. https://www.jpost.com/in-jerusalem/round-up-of-city-affairs-619891

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New trends in East Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post About a year and a half has passed, and trends on the ground among the Arab residents of east Jerusalem are dramatically changing, in various aspects https://www.jpost.com/in-jerusalem/new-trends-in-east-jerusalem-619889

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Purim 2020: Exciting events around Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post Communities throughout Jerusalem will be holding special Purim activities. Here are a selection of programs for the whole family https://www.jpost.com/in-jerusalem/purim-2020-exciting-events-around-jerusalem-619887

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Satellite shed – dramatically impacting young lives

Jerusalem Post “This program is meaningful because it enables youths to develop their own creative voices and enhance skills such as: communication, active listening, teamwork, acceptance and open-mindedness.” https://www.jpost.com/in-jerusalem/satellite-shed-dramatically-impacting-young-lives-619894

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Jerusalem’s Masorti Movement: Fading future

Jerusalem Post More than 50 years later, as the generation of Conservative Jews that arrived full of post-1967 Zionist ardor passes from the scene, some of Jerusalem’s Masorti synagogues are shrinking. https://www.jpost.com/in-jerusalem/jerusalems-masorti-movement-fading-future-613744

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