• 03/17/2025

University of Hong Kong brings in new supervisors for concrete work at HK$2.5 billion campus project, after warnings over defects

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Construction whistle-blower Jason Poon posts photos online showing cavities and exposed reinforcement bars on several floors of project. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education/article/3225463/university-hong-kong-brings-new-supervisors-concrete-work-hk25-billion-campus-project-after-warnings?utm_source=rss_feed

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Hong Kong judge sentences retired childcare worker to 27 months in jail for assaulting 10 toddlers at home

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Chan Lai-kuen, 26, assaulted two-year-old boy seven times in 10 days, including stomping on him, twisting his limbs and slapping his face. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3225457/hong-kong-judge-sentences-retired-childcare-worker-27-months-jail-assaulting-10-toddlers-home?utm_source=rss_feed

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Nurse exchange scheme with mainland China has eased pressure on Hong Kong hospitals, staff say

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. City nurses dismiss fears that need for a mentor for Greater Bay Area nurses on exchange scheme has increased workload. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3225454/nurse-exchange-scheme-mainland-china-has-eased-pressure-hong-kong-hospitals-staff-say?utm_source=rss_feed

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Stand News trial: Unnecessary to prove Hong Kong editors’ seditious intent, prosecution argues

Hong Kong Free Press Prosecutors have begun their closing arguments in the sedition trial against Hong Kong outlet Stand News and two of its former editors, arguing that there was no need to prove the editors’ seditious intent. Chung Pui Kuen on June 19, 2023. Photo: Lea Mok/HKFP. Chung Pui-kuen, former chief editor of Stand…

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Hong Kong welcomes back Chinese drone maker DJI, with new store in Tsim Sha Tsui after 2-year absence

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. World’s largest recreational drone manufacturer opens retail space in Tsim Sha Tsui in crossover with Swedish camera maker Hasselblad. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/3225445/hong-kong-welcomes-back-chinese-drone-maker-dji-new-store-tsim-sha-tsui-after-2-year-absence?utm_source=rss_feed

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Hong Kong pro-democracy pirate radio to stop broadcasting after founder says station bank account ‘locked’

Hong Kong Free Press Citizens’ Radio, a pro-democracy pirate radio station, will cease operating on Friday after its founder said the station’s bank account had been frozen. Founded in 2005 by ex-legislator “the Bull” Tsang Kin-shing, the station had previously been raided by the government on suspicion of using an illegal radio transmitter for FM audio broadcasting. Citizens’…

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China Evergrande’s Hong Kong headquarters remains on auction block as Jack Ma-linked entity gets naming rights

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Sole agent says no buyer has been found for the Wan Chai tower, which Evergrande paid US$1.6 billion for in 2015. But the building will have a new name. https://www.scmp.com/business/article/3225437/china-evergrandes-hong-kong-headquarters-remains-auction-block-jack-ma-linked-entity-gets-naming?utm_source=rss_feed

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HSBC to move global headquarters from Canary Wharf to City of London to cut costs amid shift to hybrid working

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. HSBC will move to smaller offices in the City of London ahead of its lease expiring in 2027, as it looks to cut costs as more of its staff embrace hybrid working. https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/3225433/hsbc-move-global-headquarters-canary-wharf-city-london-cut-costs-amid-shift-hybrid-working?utm_source=rss_feed

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Film censorship law does not apply to gov’t, Hong Kong censor says after police publicity movie shown without vetting

Hong Kong Free Press Hong Kong’s film censorship law does not apply to government screenings, the city’s censorship authority has said after local media reported that a police publicity film was screened at police headquarters despite not having gone through the official vetting process. A still shot from Hong Kong police publicity film Guarding Our…

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What Hong Kong can learn from Singapore on nurturing a tech ecosystem for IT talent

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Singapore’s government believes it should spearhead and nurture the IT talent ecosystem, and so offers tax breaks, pushes entrepreneurship and promotes reskilling. Hong Kong can be a key node in China’s tech ecosystem if…

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