• 03/17/2025

More Hong Kong workers make voluntary contributions to MPF as returns shrink by 21 per cent

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Mandatory Provident Fund assets drop from HK$1.12 trillion a year ago to HK$1.11 trillion in financial year ending on March 31. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/3229421/more-hong-kong-workers-make-voluntary-contributions-mpf-returns-shrink-21-cent?utm_source=rss_feed

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Nepal asks Hong Kong customs to help investigate gold smuggled from city into country

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Precious metal concealed in shipment of motorcycle parts came from city and was intercepted in Kathmandu. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3229420/nepal-asks-hong-kong-customs-help-investigate-gold-smuggled-city-country?utm_source=rss_feed

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Hundreds of Hong Kong parents demand money back after tutoring group Brilliant Education abruptly closes doors

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Brilliant Education, which runs five centres, posted notices on branch doors saying it had permanently closed on Saturday after its ‘historical mission [had] been fulfilled’. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3229415/hundreds-hong-kong-parents-demand-money-back-after-tutoring-group-brilliant-education-abruptly?utm_source=rss_feed

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Crumbling buildings show Hong Kong needs to focus on important safety issues

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Incidents of concrete falling from buildings in Mong Kok are just the latest symptom of the neglect shown towards property maintenance. Unsafe, unauthorised building works are out of control, and the government should focus…

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Hong Kong police charge mainland Chinese mother over abandoning 12-year-old son at hospital

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Mother, 37, was arrested on Saturday upon entering city from the mainland, according to police. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3229406/hong-kong-police-charge-mainland-chinese-mother-over-abandoning-12-year-old-son-hospital?utm_source=rss_feed

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Hong Kong bringing green power to Indonesia? Mainland Chinese tech behind 2 firms’ bids to service rural areas with air travel, electricity

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Company to open biomass plant on Bangka, start-up eyes China-made small planes for island-hopping in archipelago https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/3229402/hong-kong-bringing-green-power-indonesia-mainland-chinese-tech-behind-2-firms-bids-service-rural?utm_source=rss_feed

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Hong Kong’s economic growth to taper off in second quarter, fresh ideas needed to raise competitiveness amid new spending habits: Paul Chan

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Financial Secretary Paul Chan expects year-on-year GDP growth to continue in second quarter, but at lower rate than 2.7 per cent rise in first three months of the year. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/hong-kong-economy/article/3229392/hong-kongs-economic-growth-taper-second-quarter-fresh-ideas-needed-raise-competitiveness-amid-new?utm_source=rss_feed

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What do you do if faced with a wild boar? The Post asks Hong Kong experts after an attack on a boy and a woman

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Boar expert says it is very rare for boars to attack humans unless threatened or injured after animal attacks boy and woman. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3229341/what-do-you-do-if-faced-wild-boar-post-asks-hong-kong-experts-after-attack-boy-and-woman?utm_source=rss_feed

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Hong Kong’s exam stars are all scientists – should we be worried?

Hong Kong Free Press It’s the season when schools eagerly flaunt their latest star performers, in whichever exam system they go for. So we were introduced last week to four students who scored 5** in all seven subjects they took in the DSE. This is a wonderful achievement and certainly the result of an impressive…

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Explainer: Hong Kong’s national security crackdown – month 37

Hong Kong Free Press Hong Kong authorities stepped up their campaign against overseas activists in July, issuing warrants and offering unprecedented HK$1 million bounties for information leading to the arrest of eight democrats. Family members of several of the eight were taken away for questioning, and others accused of helping the activists were arrested. The…

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