• 03/22/2025

3 in 4 Russian Manufacturers Hit by Western Sanctions, Survey Finds

Moscow Times Of the Russian manufacturers affected by sanctions, 77% said the impact on their business had been negative. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/04/07/3-in-4-russian-manufacturers-hit-by-western-sanctions-survey-finds-a80747

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China opens leading laboratory focused on brain-machine interaction

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Sixty scientists are working at the Tianjin lab, which the government hopes will drive innovation, according to official newspaper. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3216284/china-opens-leading-laboratory-focused-brain-machine-interaction?utm_source=rss_feed

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Mainland China sanctions US and Taiwanese institutes and individuals in retaliation for Tsai Ing-wen’s visit

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. The Hudson Institute and Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and senior executives are banned from entering or doing business in Beijing’s territory. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3216281/mainland-china-sanctions-us-and-taiwanese-institutes-and-individuals-retaliation-tsai-ing-wens-visit?utm_source=rss_feed

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Readout of the U.S.-Singapore Mid-Term Defense Review

Defense.gov Assistant Secretary of Defense Ely Ratner and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Lindsey Ford hosted Singapore Ministry of Defense Deputy Secretary for Policy Kelvin Fan and Ambassador Ashok Mirpuri for the 7th U.S.-Singapore Mid-Term Defense Review at the Pentagon. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3356231/readout-of-the-us-singapore-mid-term-defense-review/

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Xi Jinping says ‘wishful thinking’ to expect Beijing to compromise on Taiwan

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Chinese leader makes first public comment since Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen’s meeting with US House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3216267/xi-jinping-says-wishful-thinking-expect-beijing-compromise-taiwan?utm_source=rss_feed

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Morgan Stanley moves ahead with plan for wholly-owned futures company in China, as Beijing accelerates financial opening

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Morgan Stanley’s aim for establishing its wholly-owned futures company in China has made some progress as Beijing officially accepted the application. https://www.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/3216210/morgan-stanley-moves-ahead-plan-wholly-owned-futures-company-china-beijing-accelerates-financial?utm_source=rss_feed

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China’s graduates set for another difficult year as job market heats up, firms ‘never want candidates with no experience’

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Over 11.5 million new university graduates are set to join China’s job market this summer, with the unemployment rate for 16 to 24-year-olds at over 18 per cent, with offers harder to come by…

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Chinese, French space teams get gamma-ray burst hunter ready for December lift-off

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Featuring two advanced telescopes from each country, SVOM is the most powerful space hunter of its kind after Nasa’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory. https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3216221/chinese-french-space-team-gets-gamma-ray-burst-hunter-ready-december-lift?utm_source=rss_feed

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Department of Defense Celebrates Advancements in Microelectronics Packaging Capabilities

Defense.gov The U.S. Department of Defense today celebrated a milestone achievement for the State-of-the-Art Heterogeneous Integrated Packaging Program with the delivery of the first SHIP prototype devices. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3355049/department-of-defense-celebrates-advancements-in-microelectronics-packaging-cap/

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Leaders Say TikTok Is Potential Cybersecurity Risk to U.S.

Defense.gov The Chinese social media company TikTok is a potential threat to the United States, John F. Plumb, assistant secretary of defense for space policy and principal cyber advisor to the secretary of defense, said during testimony on Capitol Hill. https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3354874/leaders-say-tiktok-is-potential-cybersecurity-risk-to-us/

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