• 09/20/2024

Britain’s General Election and Israel-Palestine

Jerusalem Post Britain’s future Middle East policy hovers in the balance ahead of elections on May 7. https://www.jpost.com/experts/britains-general-election-and-israel-palestine-400697

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Pakistan in the Middle East

Jerusalem Post Pakistan has played a pivotal role in determining the outcome of the current crisis in Yemen. https://www.jpost.com/experts/pakistan-in-the-middle-east-400571

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Israeli Arabs press their MKs to focus more on domestic issues

Jerusalem Post That’s the message from JAL’s decision to skip an Arab League meeting. And it’s good news for Israel. https://www.jpost.com/experts/israeli-arabs-press-mks-to-focus-more-on-domestic-issues-399426

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Egypt’s fight against terror

Jerusalem Post A look into what Egypt is doing to stop the swarm of terror attacks in the country. https://www.jpost.com/experts/egypts-fight-against-terror-398672

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Saving Democracy from Itself

Jerusalem Post If universities are increasingly dominated by an Islamist agenda, and they are where our democracy’s future is trained, what sort of future awaits us? https://www.jpost.com/experts/saving-democracy-from-itself-398670

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The sorry state of Yemen

Jerusalem Post It is not easy to keep pace with the shifting kaleidoscope of alliances and alienations, or the reasons behind them, but if any one area is a microcosm of the whole, it is Yemen. https://www.jpost.com/experts/the-sorry-state-of-yemen-398204

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Upgrading Israeli nuclear deterrence; Core consequences of P5+1 agreement with Iran

Jerusalem Post Current instabilities in the Middle East will generate compelling reasons for Israel to re-examine its traditional posture of nuclear ambiguity. https://www.jpost.com/experts/upgrading-israeli-nuclear-deterrence-core-consequence-of-p51-agreement-with-iran-396831

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