• 09/20/2024

The New Gangs of New York

Wall Street Journal As a corruption probe swirls around Mayor Eric Adams’s administration, two former firefighter chiefs are charged with taking bribes. https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-york-fdny-indictment-brian-cordasco-anthony-saccavino-permits-eric-adams-d2d8161b

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Lawfare at Its Most Dishonest

Wall Street Journal As documents are unsealed, Wisconsin’s 2020 ‘false electors’ case looks more unjust all the time. https://www.wsj.com/articles/lawfare-at-its-most-dishonest-wisconsin-doj-electors-2020-cd3e76c7

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Harris Is the Safer Economic Choice

Wall Street Journal Both candidates have bad ideas, but Trump’s are worse—and likelier to find support in Congress. https://www.wsj.com/articles/harris-is-the-safer-economic-choice-2024-presidential-election-ea06b8bf

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Notable & Quotable: Lucky

Wall Street Journal ‘A freelance writer examines a fraught period of time following the birth of her child, during which she was unable to prioritize her cat.’ https://www.wsj.com/articles/notable-quotable-lucky-the-cat-new-york-magazine-4376b1fd

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What Happened in Springfield, Ohio?

Wall Street Journal A 3-year-old boy would have drowned, but Rodney Bowman sprang into action. https://www.wsj.com/articles/what-happened-in-springfield-ohio-local-hero-drowning-child-e17ec83e

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The Man Who Is Hong Kong

Wall Street Journal The city’s public face is no longer a dynamic entrepreneur but a dour ex-policeman. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-man-who-is-hong-kong-jimmy-lai-media-freedom-press-29583050

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U.S. Shrugs as World War III Approaches

Wall Street Journal A devastating report on global threats and American weakness is met with indifference. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-shrugs-as-world-war-iii-approaches-devastating-bipartisan-report-716bda71

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Bureaucrat Who Threatened To Censor X Announces Resignation on X

Wall Street Journal At last, some great news on free speech. https://www.wsj.com/articles/bureaucrat-who-threatened-to-censor-x-announces-resignation-on-x-41d3e53f

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Lessons for Kamala Harris From the Women Who Won

Wall Street Journal Female leaders are held to a double standard—and so far the ones who’ve risen have all been conservative. https://www.wsj.com/articles/lessons-for-kamala-from-the-women-who-won-double-standard-thatcher-merkel-meloni-7f3f47ad

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Oasis, Ticketmaster and the Price of Economic Ignorance

Wall Street Journal When supply and demand determine the price of a concert ticket, everybody goes home happy. https://www.wsj.com/articles/oasis-ticketmaster-and-the-price-of-economic-ignorance-f1d4fac3

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