• 03/12/2025

Central bank chief Ravi Menon leaving post at Monetary Authority of Singapore

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Menon has been at the helm of the Monetary Authority of Singapore since 2011. Chia Der Jiun, one of his former deputies, is tipped to be his successor, sources say. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3217415/central-bank-chief-ravi-menon-leaving-post-monetary-authority-singapore?utm_source=rss_feed

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Foodpanda Malaysia looks to Middle East, South Asia as appetite for halal delivery surges

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Foodpanda Malaysia is in talks to export its Bekal halal-specific delivery service to the Middle East, Bangladesh and Pakistan. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/economics/article/3217408/foodpanda-malaysia-looks-middle-east-south-asia-appetite-halal-delivery-surges?utm_source=rss_feed

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Pakistan speeds towards full-blown crisis with Imran Khan’s foot on the accelerator

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. The former prime minister’s bid for snap elections is evolving into a constitutional crisis that’s raised concerns about the future of the country’s democracy. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/3217401/pakistan-speeds-towards-full-blown-crisis-imran-khans-foot-accelerator?utm_source=rss_feed

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Chinese tourists travelling again, but not to Australia. Geopolitics, and a lack of flights and translators, are hurdles

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. A lack of flights from mainland China to Australia, stricter visa rules and an exodus of Chinese-speaking tour guides are just some of the reasons Chinese tourists are not returning to Australia just yet.…

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India loves its cows. But with 5 million strays, that’s becoming a problem

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Indian PM Narendra Modi’s 2017 ban on slaughtering cattle has left the South Asian nation overrun with strays that attack people, spread disease and cause hundreds of car accidents. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/south-asia/article/3217392/india-loves-its-cows-5-million-strays-thats-becoming-problem?utm_source=rss_feed

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Japan’s security lapse with Kishida attack so soon after Abe’s murder was ‘embarrassing’. Should G7 leaders be worried?

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. While some analysts lament ‘another serious lapse by the police’, others say ‘G7 leaders have little to worry about’ when they meet in Hiroshima next month. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/people/article/3217321/japans-security-lapse-kishida-attack-so-soon-after-abes-murder-was-embarrassing-should-g7-leaders-be?utm_source=rss_feed

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Your Tuesday Briefing: A Long Sentence for a Putin Critic

New York Times Also, fighting roils Sudan’s capital. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/17/briefing/kara-murza-putin-sudan-war-pakistan.html

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Russian tourist deported from Bali over nude photo on sacred tree

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Luiza Kosykh was sent back to Moscow just days after her arrest, in the latest incident involving indelicate acts by foreigners on the Indonesian resort island. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3217384/russian-tourist-deported-bali-over-nude-photo-sacred-tree?utm_source=rss_feed

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Xi and Anwar’s commitment to build trust between civilisations portends a better future

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Anwar’s Malaysia Madani and Asian renaissance vision chime with Xi’s Global Civilisation Initiative and proposed community with a shared future. In an deeply divided world facing emerging threats, the men’s shared commitment is significant.…

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Chinese Worker in Pakistan Is Arrested on Blasphemy Charges

New York Times The arrest of a foreigner under the country’s harsh blasphemy laws, which can lead to the death penalty, is rare and could strain an otherwise warming relationship between China and Pakistan. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/17/world/asia/pakistan-china-blasphemy.html

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