• 03/12/2025

Israel Pulls Out of Jenin in West Bank

New York Times The major military incursion into the Palestinian city of Jenin left at least 12 Palestinians and one Israeli soldier dead, while an assault on civilians in Tel Aviv wounded at least eight. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/05/world/middleeast/israel-withdraws-jenin-west-bank.html

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Your Wednesday Briefing

New York Times An outburst of tit-for-tat violence in Israel and the West Bank. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/05/briefing/west-bank-france-trials.html

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Indonesian gold miner Amman Mineral’s US$711 million IPO Asia’s biggest outside China this year

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Amman Mineral is the biggest newcomer to Indonesia’s stock exchange since GoTo Group in April 2022. IPOs in Jakarta have raised US$2.2 billion since the start of the year, surpassing activity in Hong Kong.…

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Cambodia’s anti-Facebook vendetta hits new highs with ban, blacklisting of oversight board members

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. The blacklisting is the latest twist in a row that has seen Cambodia’s long-time leader Hun Sen, once a prolific Facebook user, switch to rival social media platform Telegram. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3226591/cambodias-anti-facebook-vendetta-hits-new-highs-ban-blacklisting-oversight-board-members?utm_source=rss_feed

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South Korea amends ‘ghost babies’ law to prevent abuse, but foreign children excluded

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Hospitals must from next year submit birth records to the government, after the case of 2 infants stashed in a freezer exposed a gap in the law that was resulting in undocumented children. https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/people/article/3226593/south-korea-amends-ghost-babies-law-prevent-abuse-foreign-children-excluded?utm_source=rss_feed

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Malaysia ‘to be a cashless society by 2030’ as use of contactless cards, QR codes grows

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. More than three in four Malaysians have attempted to go cashless and almost all are now familiar with contactless payment systems, according to the study from global card issuer Visa Inc. https://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/3226585/malaysia-be-cashless-society-2030-use-contactless-cards-qr-codes-grows?utm_source=rss_feed

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Resistance groups hail Palestinians’ successful op. against Israel in Jenin

Disclaimer: PressTV is affiliated with the state broadcasting agency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and is not a reliable news source. Gaza’s resistance groups hail the Palestinian people’s successful operation against Israeli invaders in Jenin. https://presstv.ir/Detail/2023/07/05/706477/Palestine-Israel-resistance-groups-Jenin-operation-Hamas-Islamic-Jihad

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Australia hits out at Hong Kong bounty for national security law suspects: ‘it’s just unacceptable’

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. ‘It’s just unacceptable’, said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, adding Australia ‘will disagree’ with China ‘where we must. And we do disagree over human rights issues’. Of the eight suspects wanted under the national security…

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Why India is wary of China’s BRICS expansion push as Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt – and others – seek to join

Disclaimer: The South China Morning Post’s content is directed by the Chinese Communist Party. It is not a reliable news source. Neither India nor Brazil want to lose influence in the bloc, but observers say New Delhi’s recent tilt to the West mean its ‘makes sense’ for other BRICS members to back Beijing’s push to…

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Rockets fired toward Sderot after Jenin withdrawal

Jerusalem Post The rocket fire is the first rocket fire from Gaza since Operation Shield and Arrow in May. https://www.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-748883

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