• 09/20/2024

Mystery solved: Oldest fossil reptile found in the Alps is historical forgery

Jerusalem Post A new examination of the remnants declared that it was partly a phony and urged caution in how the fossil is used in future research. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-787712

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Mystery solved: Oldest fossil reptile found in the Alps is historical forgery

Jerusalem Post A new examination of the remnants declared that it was partly a phony and urged caution in how the fossil is used in future research. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-787712

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Egypt aborts controversial pyramid renovation plan

Jerusalem Post Mostafa Waziri, secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, announced the plan last month, declaring it would be “the project of the century.” https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-787359

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‘Til death do us part: Humans, their dogs, other beloved animals were buried together

Jerusalem Post A study on human-animal co-burials in the Late Iron Age. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-786980

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1,800-year-old Roman Legionary Base discovered at Tel Megiddo

Jerusalem Post The VIth Legion Roman legionary base is the only Roman military base of these dimensions that has been located and exposed in Israel. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-786877

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Ancient Romans used hallucinogenic drugs, new study shows

Jerusalem Post The plant in question is Black henbane, whose seeds were found in a hollowed sheep or goat bone and was located in archeological sites throughout the Netherlands, according to the researchers. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-786498

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Reservist on leave finds ancient Assyrian amulet while hiking

Jerusalem Post The rare find was transferred to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) as required by law, and its discoverer received a certificate of appreciation for his efforts.   https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-785619

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Tunnel that could lead to Cleopatra’s Tomb is ‘geometric miracle’

Jerusalem Post The tunnel was discovered 13 meters below the ground by Katharine Martinez, an archaeologist from the Dominican Republic. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-785360

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The ancient history of Israeli grape pips and wine

Jerusalem Post Excavations have given proof of a flourishing wine industry in the Byzantine and early Arab period, especially at sites like Shivta, Halutza, Nitzana, and Avdat. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-784756

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New study suggests 17th century Italians were cannabis users

Jerusalem Post Conducting their study on the crypt of 17th century Milanese hospital Ospedale Maggiore, researchers analyzed femoral bone samples from the remains of the hospital patients. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-784464

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