Category: Archeology & History
5,000 years ago, people living in Spain may have been documenting family lineages
Jerusalem Post To test their hypothesis, the scientists analyzed 657 plaques, focusing on aspects such as design, geographical distribution, and connection with the sizes of graves.
Read MoreAnarchy in Mesopotamia: New study reveals early society decided to reject centralized governance
Jerusalem Post The findings indicate that the origins of the state and its institutions in Mesopotamia are, at least in part, in their capacity to provide food to members.
Read MoreResearchers suggest a basalt slab’s unknown symbols may be from a lost mythological system
Jerusalem Post Researchers now suggest that the Bashplemi slab could be related in some way to the Colchian Runes.
Read MoreBarbarian warriors carried miniature spoons to snort stimulants before battles, study suggests
Jerusalem Post Germanic communities could have had access to stimulant plants such as poppy, hops, hemp, henbane, belladonna, and various fungi.
Read MoreSecond phase of Hagia Sophia mosque restoration begins with new scaffolding
Jerusalem Post In the second phase of the restoration works, the facades of Hagia Sophia Mosque, the upper covering, and the Second Bayezid Minaret are in the focus of attention.
Read MoreAn error for the ages: 4,000-year-old clay tablet immortalizes Sumerian student’s math mistake
Jerusalem Post The student’s arithmetic errors demonstrate a shift from memorization to written knowledge in ancient sumer.
Read More5,000-years-old neolithic stone circles discovered in Dartmoor support ‘Sacred Arc’ theory
Jerusalem Post According to the theory, prehistoric people constructed a network of stone circles as part of an interconnected sacred landscape during the Neolithic period.
Read MoreWeapons cache sufficient to arm small army unearthed under Danish chieftain’s house
Jerusalem Post Some scholars believe that the Romans may have supplied tribes in Denmark with weapons, possibly to maintain peace at the border with Scandinavia.
Read MoreA Ming mystery: Earliest known Chinese inscription in Israel discovered in Jerusalem
Jerusalem Post While ancient Chinese porcelain has been found in Israel before, this is the first discovery featuring actual Chinese inscription.
Read MoreHistory comes alive: rare clay Roman theater ticket, goddess figurine found near Black Sea
Jerusalem Post The ongoing archaeological works at Prusias ad Hypium have been progressing continuously for the past five years.
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