Category: Archeology & History
Caves in Spain contain ancient human remains that were modified – study
Jerusalem Post The significance of this cave is that it “returned a large number of commingled skeletal remains suggesting its funerary use from the Neolithic to the Late Bronze Age.”
Read MoreMexico uncovers ‘elite’ Mayan palace used to home ancient rulers
Jerusalem Post The discovery marks the first-ever finding of such a structure used for residential purposes in the Mayan site, located in the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico.
Read MoreRare 3,800-year-old passageway and vault found in northern Israel
Jerusalem Post Archaeologists excavated a corbelled passageway and a large vault built of thousands of unfired mud bricks, the first example of corbelled architecture found in Israel.
Read MoreAncient Roman mosaic reveals: Women wore bikinis as early as 1400 BC
Jerusalem Post While many think bikinis are a 20th-century invention, an ancient Sicilian mosaic shows that ancient Roman women wore them during sports.
Read MoreTreasure estimated to be 1,400 years old discovered in Norwegian pagan temple
Jerusalem Post Three of the five were found where the temple’s wall once, and the other two were discovered in post holes.
Read MoreAncient Roman cavalry swords unearthed in the UK
Jerusalem Post Unlocking the secrets of ancient Roman swords buried in the heart of the Cotswolds.
Read More2,000-year-old burial site reveals Iron age secrets in Germany
Jerusalem Post A 2,000-year-old burial site has been uncovered near Fröndenberg-Frömern, Germany, containing significant quantities of fire debris and large ceramic fragments.
Read More7,000-year-old animal and human remains found in Saudi Arabian stone structures
Jerusalem Post The discoveries suggest that people gathered at stone structures to perform rituals, depositing animal horns and skulls, in Saudi Arabia about 7,000 years ago.
Read MoreTemples for ancient gods found in Egypt’s Mediterranean coast by underwater researchers
Jerusalem Post One of the sites is for the Egyptian god of air Amun, while the other is thought to have been for the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite.
Read MoreIsrael uncovers Second Temple-era stone workshop in West Bank
Jerusalem Post During the Second Temple period, it was customary to use tools made of stone and indeed stone tools are being discovered at almost every site in the region.
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