• 09/20/2024

Humans occupied lava tube in northern Saudi Arabia as shelter for thousands of years

Jerusalem Post A large tube produced by lava in the Umm Jirsan cave in Saudi Arabia sheltered humans for thousands of years. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-797775

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Gigantic marine reptile’s fossils found by British girl and father

Jerusalem Post British girl finds fossil of massive ancient marine reptile in Somerset, England. Jawbone suggests creature rivaling blue whales, named Ichthyotitan severnensis. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-797768

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The Temple Mount earth-filtering project makes new discoveries

Jerusalem Post Tokens found in Temple Mount Sifting Project excavations may have been used by ancient pilgrims. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-797767

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Was the wreckage found off Argentina a Nazi submarine?

Jerusalem Post Independent researchers concluded that the submarine was very likely of Nazi origin, and researchers from the Italian Naval League supported this finding. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-797661

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The $20b shipwreck at the heart of a legal dispute in Colombia

Jerusalem Post Colombia, Spain and an American salvage company all claim ownership of the wreck – dubbed the “Holy Grail of Shipwrecks” – and its cargo. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-797510

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Archaeologists discover lost 1800-year-old head of ancient Greek god Apollo

Jerusalem Post The head was believed to have been repurposed during the medieval period as a fountain. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-797085

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Dining hall with Trojan War decorations uncovered in Pompeii

Jerusalem Post The site has seen a burst of archaeological activity aimed at halting years of decay and neglect, largely thanks to a 105-million-euro ($112 million) European Union-funded project. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-796567

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Oldest bone gaming die unearthed in Jerusalem

Jerusalem Post This gaming die is recognized as the oldest known gaming tool to date. Archaeological evidence traces the existence of similar dice back to as early as 2000 BCE. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-796442

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Underground hideout from nearly 2,000 years ago unearthed in Israel

Jerusalem Post But this was the first Bar Kokhba-era hideout of such scope to be unearthed much further north, in a spot called Huqoq. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-795208

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It belongs in a museum: During a weapons search police discovered unregistered antiquities

Jerusalem Post “It deserves to be in the right hands, presented to the whole public, and not be the private property of one criminal or another,” Inspector Nidal Abdelhalim said. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-794311

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