• 09/20/2024

Student discovers a unique 1,600-year-old oil lamp used by Roman soldiers

Jerusalem Post The lamp Yonatan found is identical to one discovered in the same place 90 years ago by the late Reform rabbi and archaeologist Dr. Nelson Glueck. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-793943

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Pompeii building site reveals ancient Roman construction methods

Jerusalem Post The Pompeii site, rediscovered only in the 16th century, has seen a burst of recent archaeological activity aimed at halting years of decay and neglect. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-793634

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Ancient tomb with rare inscriptions discovered in Egypt

Jerusalem Post The tomb dates back to the country’s Old Kingdom (c. 2700 BCE – c. 2200 BCE) more than 4,000 years ago.  https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-793544

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Researcher recovers face of 16th-century ‘vampire’ women from Italy

Jerusalem Post The ‘vampire’ had been found with a brick stuffed in her mouth, to stop her feasting on the bodies of those buried in the mass grave alongside her. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-793317

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Neolithic boats that traversed the Mediterranean 7,000 years ago excavated near Rome

Jerusalem Post Excavations of canoes at the Neolithic lakeshore village of La Marmotta, near Rome, Italy provided new insights into the history of seafaring technology. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-793026

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Fossil of 16-million-year-old river dolphin found in Peru

Jerusalem Post Paleontologist Rodolfo Salas said the skull belonged to the largest dolphin known to have inhabited the waters of South America, measuring 3 to 3.5 meters long. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-792982

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Bar Kochba Revolt era hiding complex revealed near Sea of Galilee

Jerusalem Post The area is mentioned in the Book of Joshua (Joshua 19:34) and has been settled since ancient times. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-792468

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18th-century British warship found off coast of Florida

Jerusalem Post After the ship was wrecked, about 300 crewmembers managed to survive 66 days stuck on what is now known as Garden Key, the second largest island in the Dry Tortugas. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-792210

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Construction worker stumbles upon 1800-year-old Roman statue in England

Jerusalem Post The head of the sculpture was uncovered in April by a construction worker, and the bust discovered only a few weeks later. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-792165

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Ancient agricultural settlement unearthed in Israel sheds light on human evolution

Jerusalem Post This agricultural settlement reached its zenith in the Early Bronze Age, roughly 5,000 years ago. https://www.jpost.com/archaeology/article-791670

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