• 03/15/2025

Hong Kong Free Press Transparency Report 2024-5: See our income and spending from the past year

Hong Kong Free Press

hkfp transparency report

As Hong Kong’s most transparent news outlet, HKFP is externally audited annually, sharing all of our accounts online. We have no shareholders, and we do not answer to any business tycoon, government, mainland conglomerate or media mogul. HKFP is run by journalists and is a non-profit – we are answerable only to ourselves and our readers, and our newsroom relies on small donations from 1,000 readers.

In 2024, costs rose following our expansion, whilst income fell amid waning interest in Hong Kong news, a population exodus, and a slowing economy. We invite our readers and supporters to examine our income and spending over the past year, as we look to return to sustainability in 2025. Check out our full Annual Report here.

How is HKFP funded? Income 2016-2024

Our finalised, externally audited income up to 2023, and our predicted income for 2024 – in HK$.

Income 2024* 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Direct contributions 3,441,496 3,609,235 3,587,606 4,497,890 6,357,972 6,056,859 2,463,408 1,769,760 1,063,125
Ads & content sales 174,815 262,635 418,957 143,695 110,247 271,066 136,084 328,759 92,276
Events 263,361 24,390 0 8,352
Bank interest, insurance claims, exchange gains 27,970 45,242 6,516 3,945 10 226 21 1 12
Gov’t Covid subsidy 96,000 216,000
Total: 3,644,281 3,917,112 4,109,079 4,645,530 6,697,010 6,591,512 2,623,903 2,098,520 1,163,765
*2024 predicted, not yet confirmed/audited.
  • 💰 Reader supported: 94% of HKFP’s income comes directly from our readers, ensuring our press freedom and independence.
  • ♻️ Surplus recycled: As a non-profit, with no shareholders, investors, billionaires or umbrella company overseeing it, any surplus is recycled back into the HKFP newsroom for future use.
  • 📉 Costs reduced: In 2024, HKFP slashed costs by switching insurers and merch store suppliers, downgrading software packages, adjusting staff transport allowances, finding sponsors for key costs, and halting most advertising. Given the tough environment for press freedom and the need to retain staff, HKFP vows to safeguard journalist salaries and headcount. Director pay was, however, frozen in 2022.
  • 📈 New income streams: HKFP launched a newly expanded commercial rate card in 2024, with over a dozen advertising offerings, as well as photo/video licencing, consultancy, workshop and sponsorship opportunities. We also signed content sales deals with the Copyright Clearance Center and ProRata.ai, and launched new HKFP merch lines to improve cashflow.
  • 💲2025 Patrons plan: To close the funding gap in 2025, HKFP will provide new benefits to monthly donors.
*2024 not yet confirmed/audited.

Current Revenue Streams

Contributions: include one-off & monthly Patron contributions by cheque/transfer, cash, PayPal & Stripe credit/debit card (inc. Apple Pay & Google Pay), PayMe, Octopus, CoinDragon, as well as merch sales profit and shopping referral links.

Ads & content sales: include ad income from display ads; Apple News & Facebook ads, Google/YouTube ads, directly purchased rate card ads & content sales [from media outlets, institutions and syndication partners LexisNexis, Opera News, ProRata.ai, CCC, Moody’s, NewsBank, ProQuest, Dow Jones Factiva & Nordot etc…]

HKFP income sources

⚠️ Record deficit: HKFP faced a predicted, record deficit of HK$1.72m in 2024. Although we are able to reinvest our previous surplus, we will need to work on a return to sustainability by further reducing costs and improving income in 2025.

Help safeguard press freedom & keep HKFP free for all readers by supporting our team

  • 🪙 Bitcoin: To ease the financial situation in 2024, HKFP converted some of its Bitcoin investment into cash in order to pay a month of staff salaries and five months of office rent. 0.69 BTC was withdrawn into HK$506,630 as the exchange rate peaked, leaving 2.16 BTC invested. (Readers donated crypto between 2021-2022. It was declared to Inland Revenue, and retained as an investment, hence it does not appear as 2004 “income” above. HKFP supports Hong Kong’s moves to become a crypto hub and hopes to accept Bitcoin again soon.)
  • 🔒 Future security: As of 2021, HKFP has retained a HK$1.5m legal defence fund in light of new challenges to press freedom, in addition to an emergency fund of HK$1m. As HKFP will be joining the Reporters Shield programme in 2025 – which will provide some monetary protection against frivolous lawsuits – the company’s legal fund will be reduced to HK$1m.
  • 💡Efficiency: HKFP is run as efficiently and prudently as possible, in order to maximise the impact of our donors’ generosity. We make savings by partnering with other media outlets, using free software/tools, and making full use of teamwork and automation.

HKFP Spending 2016-2024

Finalised expenditure for our latest audited year, 2024, & our predicted 2024 spending – in HK$.

Expenditure 2024* 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016
Full-time staff payroll 4,188,048 4,090,094 3,624,759 1,952,853 1.599m 1.606m 1.49m 1.340m 1.035m
Mandatory Provident Fund (pensions) 144,486 131,675 137,960 76,662 72,221 68,123 69,234 66,180 50,942
Web & software, newswire, commission 93,239 250,115 227,068 138,532 132,269 129,543 58,693 33,083
Office, sundry, recruitment/training, telecom 399,452 385,327 447,234 273,244 109,289 164,256 110,414 57,565 25,801
Meals/drinks for volunteers/staff/sources 19,894 45,101 20,506 25,178 18,324 29,686 14,028 17,106 25,531
Legal, professional, registration, audit 59,246 46,619 114,143 37,365 96,505 12,340 7,385 45,231 10,845
Travel & insurance 236,981 224,122 174,445 67,513 72,391 50,615 78,067 8,169 8,267
Stationery, merch, postage, printing 37,518 66,497 44,240 207,392 208,544 42,311 11,827 686 17,124
Bank charges, penalties & exchange losses 5,465 1,937 2,155 4,232 13,752 4,240 1,705 1,170 2,218
Freelancer payments & gear 158,038 140,879 246,454 936,072 595,693 289,387 64,400 34,090
Tax TBC -69,518 (refund) -69,518 (refund) 59,518 408,496 509,211 29,816 13,343
Advertising 7,179 38,128 37,527 78,745 6,914 36,597 34,371 10,261
Membership, research/polls, repairs & other 14,940 62,802 2,778 5,060 118,800
Bad debts written off 75,194
Total: 5,364,488 5,488,972 5.04m 3.74m 3.04m 2.89m* 2.04m 1.65m 1.20m
*2024 predicted, not yet confirmed/audited.

Investing in People

HKFP Team 2025
Senior Reporter Hillary Leung, Photojournalist Kyle Lam, Executive Editor Yenni Kwok, Reporter Hans Tse, Director & Editor-in-Chief Tom Grundy with Pixel the Dog, Senior Reporter Irene Chan, Senior Reporter Kelly Ho, and Reporter James Lee.
HKFP living wage employer

💼 Investing in people: HKFP competes with international media when it comes to staff pay and conditions. We are proud to set – or exceed – industry standards in order to foster talent and retain staff in an increasingly tough environment. 78% of HKFP’s spending goes towards staff remuneration and pensions. When you support HKFP, you can be assured that your contribution is going directly towards local journalists – not to shareholders or a profit-making conglomerate.

💵 Living Wage Employer: In 2024, HKFP gained the Oxfam Living Wage Employer certification.

✔️ Staff benefits include: ✓ Clear payscale and annual appraisals. ✓ Up to 23 days annual leave. ✓ 4 months of maternity leave, 3 months  of paternity leave. ✓ Healthcare, dental and physio coverage. ✓ Mental health support options. ✓ Secure laptop and phone. ✓ Monthly travel allowance. ✓ Remote working benefits.

HKFP Patrons in 2024

HKFP Patrons in 2024: HKFP relies on a membership model. Small amounts of income from a large pool of Patrons help support our team, sustain our operations, and guarantee our newsroom’s independence and longevity. Our monthly income as of January 2025:

  • 1,003 – Number of monthly Patrons.
  • HK$201,733 – Monthly income from Patrons (before fees.)
  • HK$201 – Average monthly Patron contribution.
  • 💰 HKFP will expand benefits for monthly supporters in 2025. Patrons will receive exclusive newsletters and columns, merch discounts, feature previews and opportunities to tour our office or attend Q&As.
  • ⚠️ HKFP’s monthly costs in 2024 were HK$447,040.

Support HKFP’s newsroom in 2025

hkfp 2025 payment platforms

Donate online via card or PayPal:
One-off or monthly contributions can be made with your Visa, Mastercard, or Apple Pay/Google Pay via Stripe or PayPal at support.hongkongfp.com.

Donate by cheque
Cheques of amounts up to HK$50,000 may be made payable to Hong Kong Free Press Limited and posted – along with your full name and address to: HKFP, The Hive Kennedy Town, 6/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Road, Kennedy Town, Hong Kong. [Contributions are confidential – a papertrail  is required for our internal accountancy records.]

Donate via HSBC PayMe or Octopus
Scan our QR code to make an HSBC PayMe or Octopus digital payment. Please include your full name and email address so we may accept your contribution.

Donate via Patreon
Support us with a one-off or regular contribution by signing up at patreon.com/HongKongFreePressHKFP.

Donate by transfer/FPS
Faster Payment Service: [email protected] or Tel: 9447-3443.

Our HSBC account details:

  • Account name: Hong Kong Free Press Limited. Account number: 817-887532-838.
  • Bank name: HSBC Hong Kong. Bank address: 1 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong.
  • Bank code: 004. Branch number: 817. SWIFT address: HSBCHKHHHKH

Please note: For all FPS, one-off or regular bank transfers, please email a screenshot or phone  photo of the receipt/form to [email protected] after you have made arrangements so we may show a paper-trail for our internal accountancy records. We cannot, otherwise, accept your contribution. Supporters may also set up a regular standing order/direct debit with a form from your bank: HSBCStandard Chartered, or Hang Seng.

Faster Payment Service (FPS):


Donate spare coins
Hoarding a jar of coins? Donate spare change at Coin Dragon machines around the city.

Donate gear or sponsor our operations
We welcome contributions of new computer or audio-visual or mobile equipment – please get in touch if you can support us.

Buy HKFP merchandise
Show your support for press freedom with HKFP merchandise.

Advertise with us
Support us and promote your business or cause at the same time. Request our rate card and consider our affordable range of digital marketing solutions.

HKFP is powered Patrons – our community of monthly donors.

Almost 1,000 HKFP Patrons make HKFP possible. Each contributes an average of around HK$200/month to support our award-winning original reporting, keeping the city’s only independent English-language outlet free-to-access for all. Why join us?

  1. 🔎 Transparent & efficient: As a non-profit, we are externally audited each year, publishing our income/outgoings annually, as the city’s most transparent news outlet.
  2. 🔒 Accurate & accountable: Our reporting is governed by a strict Ethics Code. We are 100% independent, and not answerable to any tycoon, mainland owners or shareholders. Check out our latest Annual Report, and help support press freedom.
  3. 💰 It’s fast, secure & easy: We accept most payment methods – cancel anytime, and receive a free tote bag and pen if you contribute HK$150/month or more.

Sponsor our operations
We welcome sponsorship of our ongoing operational costs (such as web hosting, office rent or news wire services) – please get in touch if you can support us.

Package Newsroom cost Annual cost
A Sponsor all web hosting, tech support, domain. HK$140,727
B Boost HKFP’s video output by enabling access to AFP news wire video clips. HK$20,000
C Sponsor all AFP news wire service, including text and photos. HK$40,000
D Cover the cost of HKFP’s newsroom/office at The Hive co-working space. HK$360,000
E Take on the cost of our Quickbooks accounting software. HK$2,322
F Sponsor our Mailchimp newsletter software. HK$10,710
G Sponsor health insurance for all staff. HK$200,000
H Cover our Google work apps costs. HK$20,307
I Sponsor a desk reporter for a year (inc. salary, MPF, insurance). HK$300,000

Newsletter or HKFP Lens sponsorship

  • Cover HKFP’s Mailchimp newsletter costs for an entire year and reach over 11,500 of HKFP’s most engaged readers. HKFP Dim Sum includes a news round-up on Saturdays, and an original reporting showcase on Mondays. Our open rate: 44%.
  • Sponsor HKFP’s entire photography section for a year to promote your business, products, service or campaign. Align your brand with HKFP Lens – our full-width photographic platform showcasing shots from our in-house photojournalist, as well as work from the best shooters from Hong Kong and beyond.
Package One year sponsorship Cost
1 Sponsor HKFP’s newsletter, Dim Sum – with two mentions
and a link in each twice-weekly email.
2 “Sponsored by” mentions at the top-and-bottom of all Lens galleries,
plus Large Rectangle (336×280 pixels) ad on the Lens homepage.
hkfp advertisers

Maximum contribution: HK$50,000. For larger contributions of up to HK$100,000, please contact us so we may discuss enhanced Know Your Client checks.
