• 09/20/2024

Delhi, Beijing must fight terror together

Jerusalem Post Sino-Indian ties are on firm footing in almost every dimension of diplomacy today. https://www.jpost.com/experts/delhi-beijing-must-fight-terror-together-406776

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Russia and Islamic State – time for action

Jerusalem Post The time has surely come for the civilized world to bite the bullet and take out Islamic State, as well as Russia’s ploy for power over Ukraine. https://www.jpost.com/experts/russia-and-islamic-state-time-for-action-406454

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Arm the Syrian Druse – we owe it to their Israeli kin

Jerusalem Post Refusing help would be a slap in the face to Israel’s most loyal non-Jewish citizens. https://www.jpost.com/experts/arm-the-syrian-druse-we-owe-it-to-their-israeli-kin-406318

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BDS – sinister hoax with genocidal objective

Jerusalem Post The BDS campaign is set to swallow many more well-intended people into its Jew-hating vortex. https://www.jpost.com/experts/bds-sinister-hoax-with-genocidal-objective-406313

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Beating the BDS Jew-haters

Jerusalem Post A Harvard student expected that a trip to Israel would confirm his reasonable European certainty of Israel’s arrogant oppression; That’s not quite the way things turned out. https://www.jpost.com/experts/beating-the-bds-jew-haters-405694

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You can’t win a PR war by fighting on the enemy’s side

Jerusalem Post Israel needs to stop arguing the Palestinians’ case and start arguing its own. https://www.jpost.com/experts/you-cant-win-a-pr-war-by-fighting-on-the-enemys-side-405692

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Who’s fighting who in the Middle East?

Jerusalem Post In the ever-shifting kaleidoscope of political, religious, economic, strategic and tactical considerations that mark the Middle East, little is clear-cut in deciding between friend and foe. https://www.jpost.com/experts/whos-fighting-who-in-the-middle-east-405688

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What Israel can learn from the Eurovision song contest

Jerusalem Post Israeli’s PR focus on the peace process highlights the country’s failures rather than its successes; and people dislike failures. https://www.jpost.com/experts/what-israelcan-learn-from-the-eurovision-song-contest-404912

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Saudi Arabia’s new broom

Jerusalem Post In the few short months since he ascended the throne, Salman has shown himself to be a pragmatic man of action in both the domestic and foreign arenas. https://www.jpost.com/experts/saudi-arabias-new-broom-404907

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Netanyahu’s target wasn’t Israeli Arabs, but foreign-funded NGOs

Jerusalem Post The prime minister’s election day faux pas has been deliberately misconstrued by omitting its second half https://www.jpost.com/experts/netanyahus-target-wasnt-israeli-arabs-but-foreign-funded-ngos-404401

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