Israeli stock market will recover like Israelites after the golden calf – opinion
Jerusalem Post Remember the famous investing principle of buying low and selling high. Investors who panic often end up selling low.
Read MoreOldest-known inscription referencing Norse god Odin found in Denmark
Jerusalem Post The inscribed disk was part of the Vindelev Hoard, a trove containing some 2.2 pounds of gold, large medallions and Roman coins made into jewelry.
Read MoreIsraeli-Canadian firm sprays COVID, the flu away – opinion
Jerusalem Post You can buy enovid in Israel, Europe and parts of Southeast Asia, but not yet in North America, where NO is approved only as a prescription drug to help with blue baby syndrome,
Read More1,900-year-old Romano-Celtic temple discovered in northern England
Jerusalem Post The temple was found near Lancaster Roman Fort, which was first built around 80 CE.
Read MoreNissan’s electric comeback stalled by Ariya production woes
Reuters Reuters exclusively revealed that Nissan Motor Co’s (7201.T) new Ariya electric vehicle has been hampered by problems at its high-tech production line, slowing delivery of a car designed to put the automaker on the road to a comeback. The post Nissan’s electric comeback stalled by Ariya production woes appeared first on Reuters News Agency.…
Read MoreParashat Ki Tisa: Devotion to Shabbat
Jerusalem Post Shabbat is an invitation to devote oneself to the sacred, “For it is a sign between Me and you for your generations… for it is holy unto you.”
Read MoreParashat Ki Tisa: The choreography of mercy
Jerusalem Post We can now better understand the placement of the incidents of the anger of God and Moses in reaction to the golden calf.
Read MoreGerman police seek motive in shooting at Jehovah’s Witnesses church
Jerusalem Post The shooter is believed to be a former member of the Jehova’s Witnesses but was not known to police as an extremist.
Read MoreBiden challenges Republicans with budget that raises taxes on rich, sets up 2024 run
Jerusalem Post The Democratic president will highlight plans to cut the nation’s deficit by nearly $3 trillion over 10 years by raising taxes on those earning more than $400,000 a year.
Read MoreShenzhen bourse taps intelligence tech firm as China battles capital market fraud
Reuters Reuters exclusively reported that the Shenzhen Stock Exchange has sought help from an intelligence technology firm to detect fraud and vet listings as China adopts high-tech weaponry against crime and corruption in its bid to attract investors. The post Shenzhen bourse taps intelligence tech firm as China battles capital market fraud appeared first on…
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