• 09/21/2024

Taiwan’s Lai Ching-te welcomed by supporters, as new leader faces domestic strife, Beijing sabre-rattling

Hong Kong Free Press

taiwan lai ching-te

Residents of Taipei largely went about their commutes as normal on Monday morning, aside from those who found their routes blocked by road closures around the Presidential Office Building, where the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) Lai Ching-te was being sworn in as the island’s next leader.

The inauguration event for Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te, in Taipei, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.
The inauguration event for Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te, in Taipei, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.

Chen Shih-eu, 32, however, was not heading to work. Instead, she was standing on the side of the road outside the nearby 228 Peace Memorial Park watching a livestream of Lai’s inauguration on her phone. “I think it’s a very important moment for Taiwanese, especially for our young generation,” she told HKFP. “And we’re so proud of the leaders, of Lai Ching-te and Tsai Ing-wen,” she said, adding that she trusted Lai “to lead our country for the next step.”

Chen, a theatre manager from Keelung who had travelled to Taipei to experience the inauguration, said she hoped Lai’s administration would protect the island’s democratic values.

“Some people don’t believe that democracy is important but, for us, if we don’t keep our democracy we will lose our freedoms – so we are afraid of that,” Chen said. “But [with] Lai Ching-te, we hope he can keep our democracy for the next four, eight years.”

Maintaining the status quo

Dozens gathered at the end of Ketagalan Boulevard, which displayed the flags of Taiwan’s 12 remaining diplomatic allies and was sealed off for the inauguration ceremony. The revellers were trying to get a glimpse of Lai, Tsai and new Vice-President Hsiao Bi-khim as they briefly graced a stage set up in front of the presidential building at 9.20 am.

A police officer guides a man carrying a Chinese flag to the edge of a crowd gathered to watch the inauguration of Taiwan's new President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Mercedes Hutton/HKFP.
A police officer guides a man carrying a Chinese flag to the edge of a crowd gathered to watch the inauguration of Taiwan’s new President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Mercedes Hutton/HKFP.

Small groups of protesters were present, too, waving Palestinian and US flags. One man, who held a Chinese flag, was guided to the edge of the crowd by a police officer. Another group held a banner stating: “No support for Palestine; the conscience of Lai Ching-te is dead,” in response to the DPP’s support of Israel, which faces charges of genocide in its war on Gaza.

“No support for Palestine; the conscience of Lai Ching-te is dead,” reads a banner ahead of the inauguration of Lai Ching-te as Taiwanese leader on Monday, May 20, 2024. Photo: Mercedes Hutton/HKFP.

Cindy, a Taipei resident in her late 30s, clapped as Lai, Tsai and Hsiao appeared on the large screen visible from her vantage point. She told HKFP that she was there to express her gratitude “to president Tsai, for the past eight years, for the things she has done.”

“For Taiwan, maintaining an international status is very difficult. Tsai has tried really hard to keep it up,” Cindy said. “I think she has tried her best. I think it’s very difficult, no matter which party is in power.”

Cindy said she hoped Lai would “keep the status quo.” She pointed to his tenure as mayor of Tainan from 2010 to 2017, saying he had governed with integrity. “So I believe, for the next four years, he will keep his promises to Taiwan.”

Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te (2nd left) and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim (right) waves alongside outgoing president Tsai Ing-wen during the inauguration ceremony at the Presidential Office Building in Taipei on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.
Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te (centre) and Vice President Hsiao Bi-khim (right) wave alongside outgoing president Tsai Ing-wen during the inauguration ceremony at the Presidential Office Building in Taipei on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.

Tsai sought to raise Taiwan’s global profile during her two terms in office in the face of an expansionist China, which considers the island a renegade province to be unified with the mainland by force, if necessary. While supporters of the DPP widely praise the former leader for her policy direction, hundreds who protested outside the party’s headquarters on Sunday said Tsai had failed to address domestic issues such as salary stagnation and rising housing prices.

On Monday, Beijing said Monday’s events in Taiwan did not alter the “fact” it is part of China: “No matter how the internal political situation in Taiwan changes, it will not change the historical and legal fact that both sides of the strait belong to one China,” foreign ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said.

See also: Taiwan’s political precipice – Foreign policy heavyweights weigh in, as island welcomes a new leader

Kevin, a 48-year-old structural engineer, stopped by the inauguration after visiting a nearby hospital. “I just came to see the president before going back to work,” Kevin said.

An Air Force aerial formation at the Presidential Office Building to salute the new president on May 20, 2024.
An Air Force aerial formation at the Presidential Office Building to salute the new president on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.

A long-time DPP voter, Kevin said he was happy with the job Tsai had done over the past eight years. As for Lai, he said: “I hope he leads my country to be more open to the whole world.”

‘Democratic resilience’

In his first speech as the island’s president, delivered just after 11 am, Lai said Taiwan would continue to work with the world’s democracies to “combat disinformation, strengthen democratic resilience, address challenges and allow Taiwan to become the MVP [Most Valuable Player] of the democratic world.”

He said there existed “a strong international consensus that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are indispensable to global stability and prosperity,” and said that when it came to cross-strait relations, his government would “neither yield, nor provoke,” but “maintain the status quo.”

Lai has been labelled a “dangerous separatist” by Beijing, and the new vice president and defence secretary are among several political figures who have been placed under Chinese sanctions. On Monday, Beijing’s spokesperson Wang said: “No matter under what guise or banner, the pursuit of Taiwan independence and secession is doomed to fail,” whist Lai’s name was censored on Chinese social media network Weibo.

Taiwan's President Lai Ching-te delivers his inaugural address outside the Presidential Office Building in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.
Taiwan’s President Lai Ching-te delivers his inaugural address outside the Presidential Office Building in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.

Lai said: “I also want to call on China to cease their political and military intimidation against Taiwan… I hope that China will face the reality of the Republic of China’s existence, respect the choices of the people of Taiwan, and, in good faith, choose dialogue over confrontation, exchange over containment, and under the principles of parity and dignity, engage in cooperation with the legal government chosen by Taiwan’s people.”

His words recalled those uttered by Chen Binhua, the spokesperson of China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, during a press conference last Wednesday, although the ultimate goals of Taipei and Beijing remain at odds: “Choose peace over war, choose development over decline, choose communication over separation, choose cooperation over confrontation,” Chen Binhua said, urging Lai to respect “the mainstream views of the people in Taiwan” while working towards unification.

A poll by the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University tracking Taiwanese opinion on Taiwan independence. Photo: Election Study Center, National Chengchi University.
A poll by the Election Study Center at National Chengchi University tracking Taiwanese opinion on Taiwan independence. Photo: Election Study Center, National Chengchi University.

Public opinion polling in Taiwan shows that just 1.2 per cent of respondents are in favour of reunification, while 82.6 per cent want to maintain the status quo. 

Domestic politics in the spotlight

Lai’s presidency begins at a moment of domestic political gridlock.

The island’s parliament descended into chaos last Friday as DPP lawmakers tried to block readings of bills put forward by the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) and Taiwan People’s Party – who have a combined majority in the Legislative Yuan – saying that proper proceedings had not been followed and the bills had not been discussed.

Taiwan's Legislative Yuan, the self-ruled island's parliament. File photo: Wikicommons.
Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan, the self-ruled island’s parliament. File photo: Wikicommons.

The events prompted a late-night protest outside the Legislative Yuan, with further protests planned for Tuesday evening. Chen, the theatre manager from Keelung, said she hoped to join future demonstrations. “If I can, I will fight,” she said.

Lai acknowledged the recent disruptions, saying it was the first time in 16 years that no party had held an absolute parliamentary majority. “I want to say to everyone that this new structure is a result of the people’s choice,” Lai said.

“However, Taiwan’s people have high expectations for rational governance among political parties… the Legislative Yuen should observe procedural justice, the majority should respect the minority, while the minority accepts majority rule.”

Taiwan's military helicopters fly the island's flag above the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.
Taiwan’s military helicopters fly the island’s flag above the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.

Kang Shen, who took the morning off work to watch the inauguration, told HKFP he thought Lai “expressed himself very clearly” throughout his inaugural address. “He and his party represent Taiwan’s location in the world, but he also has to take care of the perspectives of different parties,” the 32-year-old pharmaceutical industry worker said.

He added that Tsai had done “a pretty great job in raising Taiwan’s reputation in the world, and trying to express that we are, of course, not a part of China and we have our own perspective.”

It was when Lai addressed Taiwan’s sovereignty towards the end of his inaugural address that he got the most applause from the crowd at the end of Ketagalan Boulevard. “The Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China are not subordinate to each other,” Lai said, referring to Taiwan and China by their official names.

“All of the people of Taiwan must come together to safeguard our nation; all our political parties ought to oppose annexation and protect sovereignty; and no one should entertain the idea of giving up our national sovereignty in exchange for political power.”

Taiwan's military aircraft perform a flyover at the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.
Taiwan’s military aircraft perform a flyover at the inauguration of President Lai Ching-te in Taipei, Taiwan, on May 20, 2024. Photo: Taipei News Photographer Association.

Soon after the speech was over, Taiwan’s military aircraft performed flyovers, which sent people’s smartphones skywards as they recorded the spectacle.

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