Ukraine is falsely accused of provoking war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Ukrainian intelligence says
Pravda Ukraine
Defence Intelligence of Ukraine (DIU) has reported that false information is circulating in the Armenian information space, accusing DIU of attempting to provoke or facilitate the outbreak of an armed conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia.
Source: DIU
Quote: “Disinformation spreaders claim that a new Azerbaijani-Armenian war would force Russia to open a ‘second front’, thereby dispersing its military forces, which they argue would benefit Ukraine.
The source of this operation is a fabricated report, supposedly from DIU, addressed to Ivan Havryliuk, Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Defence. The document is riddled with significant errors (misspellings such as ‘Yvan’ instead of Ivan and ‘SDR’ instead of EDRPOU [Ukraine’s statistical business register]) and fails to meet the official standards for Ukrainian government documents.”
Details: DIU pointed out that this information operation is designed to discredit Ukraine and damage its relations with both Armenia and Azerbaijan, ultimately serving the interests of Russia, the aggressor state.
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